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Periodic table scroll pens look like normal ballpoint pens. But once your pull out the scroll, you can will see a colorful periodic table of elements in full size of 168*68MM. What’s more the scroll is printed both side with offset printing methods. And to ensure the durability, the face side is transparent plastic film laminated. You can pull out to read periodic table of elements, and when done, the scroll will retract back to barrel by itself with a self-retractable spring mechanism inside.
The grip area of the pen is rubble to ensure comfortable handwriting And we only use high quality ballpoint refills to ensure smooth handwriting. Since we’ve been selling similar style ballpoint pens since year 2006, the periodic table scroll pens are testified by many clients worldwide. As you can see some of our reference clients:
And here is a video to demonstrate how the periodic table scroll pens works:
Order your customized periodic table scroll pens today at! Delivery time will 4 weeks to your door by courier like DHL/Fedex/UPS/TNT. If you are in hurry, we also offer 15 urgent delivery service.
Customized artwork of periodic table of elements are welcome. Nevertheless, we also have beautiful periodic table of element ready for you, just send us your company name, we redesign the scroll to add your company name on top of it.
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Period | ||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 H 1.008 |
2 He 4.003 |
2 | 3 Li 6.94 |
4 Be 9.012 |
5 B 10.81 |
6 C 12.01 |
7 N 14.01 |
8 O 16.00 |
9 F 19.00 |
10 Ne 20.18 |
3 | 11 Na 22.99 |
12 Mg 24.31 |
13 Al 26.98 |
14 Si 28.09 |
15 P 30.97 |
16 S 32.06 |
17 Cl 35.45 |
18 Ar 39.95 |
4 | 19 K 39.10 |
20 Ca 40.08 |
21 Sc 44.96 |
22 Ti 47.88 |
23 V 50.94 |
24 Cr 52.00 |
25 Mn 54.94 |
26 Fe 55.85 |
27 Co 58.93 |
28 Ni 58.69 |
29 Cu 63.55 |
30 Zn 65.39 |
31 Ga 69.72 |
32 Ge 72.64 |
33 As 74.92 |
34 Se 78.96 |
35 Br 79.90 |
36 Kr 83.79 |
5 | 37 Rb 85.47 |
38 Sr 87.62 |
39 Y 88.92 |
40 Zr 91.22 |
41 Nb 92.91 |
42 Mo 95.96 |
43 Tc (98) |
44 Ru 101.1 |
45 Rh 102.9 |
46 Pd 106.4 |
47 Ag 107.9 |
48 Cd 112.4 |
49 In 114.8 |
50 Sn 118.7 |
51 Sb 121.8 |
52 Te 127.6 |
53 I 126.9 |
54 Xe 131.3 |
6 | 55 Cs 132.9 |
56 Ba 137.3 |
* | 72 Hf 178.5 |
73 Ta 180.9 |
74 W 183.9 |
75 Re 186.2 |
76 Os 190.2 |
77 Ir 192.2 |
78 Pt 195.1 |
79 Au 197.0 |
80 Hg 200.5 |
81 TI 204.38 |
82 Pb 207.2 |
83 Bi 209.0 |
84 Po (209) |
85 At (210) |
86 Rn (222) |
7 | 87 Fr (223) |
88 Ra (226) |
** | 104 Rf (265) |
105 Db (268) |
106 Sg (271) |
107 Bh (270) |
108 Hs (277) |
109 Mt (276) |
110 Ds (281) |
111 Rg (280) |
112 Cn (285) |
113 Uut (284) |
114 Fl (289) |
115 Uup (288) |
116 Lv (293) |
117 Uus (294) |
118 Uuo (294) |
Lanthanide Series* | 57 La 138.9 |
58 Ce 140.1 |
59 Pr 140.9 |
60 Nd 144.2 |
61 Pm (145) |
62 Sm 150.4 |
63 Eu 152.0 |
64 Gd 157.2 |
65 Tb 158.9 |
66 Dy 162.5 |
67 Ho 164.9 |
68 Er 167.3 |
69 Tm 168.9 |
70 Yb 173.0 |
71 Lu 175.0 |
Actinide Series** | 89 Ac (227) |
90 Th 232 |
91 Pa 231 |
92 U 238 |
93 Np (237) |
94 Pu (244) |
95 Am (243) |
96 Cm (247) |
97 Bk (247) |
98 Cf (251) |
99 Es (252) |
100 Fm (257) |
101 Md (258) |
102 No (259) |
103 Lr (262) |
Alkali metals | Lanthanides | ||
Alkaline earth metals | Actinides | ||
Transition metals | Nonmetals | ||
Post-transition metals | Halogens | ||
Metalloid | Noble gases |